Bandits Final 2003 Stats (77 Wins 14 Losses)
Batting Average: Kyle Bumpas .590; Anthony Carmona .500; Steve Vizcaino .465; George Stoltz .439; Matthew Ortega .431; Bobby Mares .397; Andrew Hernandez .389; Justin Lopez .384; Julio Velez .382; Luis Saenz .369; Cory Falvey .367; Jonathan Bustamante .365 and Isaac Herrera .341.
Stolen Bases: Bumpas 137; Vizcaino 91; Stoltz 85; Lopez 60; Mares 53; Velez 46; Ortega 42; Saenz 41; Hernandez 27; Carmona 25; Falvey 21; Bustamante 19 and Herrera 15.
Runs Batted In: Stoltz 95; Bumpas 89; Velez 84; Lopez 77; Mares 73; Ortega and Vizcaino each 45; Herrera 42; Falvey 37; Bustamante and Carmona each 36; Saenz 35 and Hernandez 29.
Pitching: Saenz 5-0, 0.00 ERA, 17 K, 2 BB, 17 IP; Bumpas 16-4, 1.17 ERA, 122 K’s, 19 BB, 96 IP; Velez 15-6, 2.91 ERA, 54 K’s, 10 BB, 79.33 IP; Bustamante 11-1, 3.30 ERA, 62 K’s, 14 BB, 57.33 IP; Mares 9-1, 3.24 ERA, 38 K’s, 14 BB, 45.33 IP; Ortega 9-1, 2.01 ERA, 25 K’s, 13 BB, 48.67 IP; Lopez 8-1, 2.93 ERA, 38 K’s, 25 BB, 45.33 IP; Herrera 3-0, 2.90 ERA, 22 K’s, 17 BB, 19.33 IP; San Roman 1-0, 2.33 ERA, 3 K’s, 2 BB, 3 IP; Stoltz 0-0. 0.00 ERA, 2 K’s, 0 BB, 1 IP; Falvey 0-0, 7.00 ERA, 1 K, 3 BB, 1 IP; Vizcaino 0-0, 7.00 ERA, 4 K’s, 1 BB, 2 IP.
Fielding Percentage: Velez .959; Bumpas .922; Bustamante .910; Carmona .905; Mares .899; Falvey .882; Ortega .877; Stoltz .874; Lopez .847; Herrera .818; Vizcaino .811; Saenz .811 and Hernandez .636.
The Bandits scored 964 runs and allowed 274.
Bandits stole 693 bases and allowed 97. The Bandits would most likely have exceeded 700 stolen bases and possibly scored 1000 runs if not for the fact that the Mustangs forfeited 3 games to the Bandits and those games were not played. These are the final stats for the Spring 2003 season. We won the Sportspark League Championship, the Sportspark Playoffs Tournament, 2 Super Series tournaments, a USSSA Regional Championship, USSSA Texas State Championship and the USSSA New Mexico State Championship. This Bandits’ team is the first Bandit team to win 70 games in a Spring season. Our 91 game total is the most games played by any Bandit team in one season.